Date |
Study |
Auteur |
Août 2018 |
Evaluation of NovaSure® global endometrial ablation in symptomatic adenomyosis: A longitudinal study with a 36 month follow-up.
Philip CA, Le Mitouard M, Maillet L, de Saint-Hilaire P, Huissoud C, Cortet M, Dubernard G. |
Avr. 2018 |
Efficacy and patient satisfaction after NovaSure and Minerva endometrial ablation for treating abnormal uterine bleeding: a retrospective comparative study.
Scordalakes C, delRosario R, Shimer A, Stankiewicz R. |
Mar. 2018 |
Predictors of Long-Term NovaSure Endometrial Ablation Failure.
Lybol C, van der Coelen S, Hamelink A, Bartelink LR, Nieboer TE. |
Avr. 2017 |
Abnormal uterine bleeding control by sequential application of hysteroscopic lesion morcellation and endometrial ablation
Rubino RJ et al |
Sep. 2017 |
Long-term Follow-up After Endometrial Ablation in Finland: Cancer Risks and Later Hysterectomies.
Soini T, Rantanen M, Paavonen J, Grénman S, Mäenpää J, Pukkala E, Gissler M, Hurskainen R. |
Nov. 2016 |
Effect of Radiofrequency Endometrial Ablation on Dysmenorrhea.
Wyatt SN, Banahan T, Tang Y, Nadendla K, Szychowski JM, Jenkins TR. |
Nov. 2016 |
Effectiveness of thermal balloon ablation versus NovaSure endometrial ablation in different age groups
N. HussainG. BarnesN. L. Aziz. |
Sep. 2016 |
Outcomes and Postoperative Complications After Hysterectomies Performed for Benign Compared With Malignant Indications.
Wallace SK, Fazzari MJ, Chen H, Cliby WA, Chalas E. |
Mai 2016 |
Is endometrial ablation protective against endometrial cancer? A retrospective observational study.
Singh M, Hosni MM, Jones SE. |
Fév. 2016 |
Effects of Endometrial Ablation on Treatment Planning in Women With Endometrial Cancer.
Argall E, Jovanovic A, Figueroa R, Mayer A, Nelson B, Roland P. |
Fév. 2016 |
Hysteroscopic local anesthetic intrauterine cornual block in office endometrial ablation: a randomized controlled trial.
Kumar V, Tryposkiadis K, Gupta JK. |
Jan. 2016 |
Bipolar versus balloon endometrial ablation in the office: a randomized controlled trial.
Penninx JP, Herman MC, Kruitwagen RF, Ter Haar AJ, Mol BW, Bongers MY. |
Nov. 2015 |
Combined Endometrial Ablation and Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System Use in Women With Dysmenorrhea and Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Novel Approach for Challenging Cases
Papadakis EP, El-Nashar SA, Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Shazly SA1, Hopkins MR, Breitkopf DM, Famuyide AO. |
Août 2015 |
Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and the risk of breast cancer: A nationwide cohort study.
Soini T, Hurskainen R, Grénman S, Mäenpää J, Paavonen J, Joensuu H, Pukkala E. |
Mar. 2015 |
Use of other treatments before hysterectomy for benign conditions in a statewide hospital collaborative.
Corona LE, Swenson CW, Sheetz KH3, Shelby G, Berger MB, Pearlman MD2, Campbell DA Jr, DeLancey JO, Morgan DM. |
Fév. 2015 |
Effect of undiagnosed deep adenomyosis after failed NovaSure endometrial ablation.
Mengerink BB, van der Wurff AA, ter Haar JF, van Rooij IA, Pijnenborg JM. |
Sep. 2014 |
Endometrial cancer after endometrial ablation vs medical management of abnormal uterine bleeding.
Dood RL, Gracia CR, Sammel MD, Haynes K, Senapati S, Strom BL. |
Août 2014 |
Cancer risk in women using the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in Finland.
Soini T, Hurskainen R, Grénman S, Mäenpää J, Paavonen J, Pukkala E. |
Août 2014 |
Comparative efficacy of NovaSure, the Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system, and hysteroscopic endometrial resection in the treatment of menorrhagia: a randomized clinical trial
S. Ghazizadeh, Z. Panahi, Z. Ghanbari, AT. Menshadi, T. Farahmandian, P. Javadian |
Mar. 2014 |
Ultrasound-guided reoperative hysteroscopy for managing global endometrial ablation failures.
Wortman M, Daggett A, Deckman A. |
Mar. 2014 |
Ten-year literature review of global endometrial ablation with the NovaSure device
Gimpelson RJ |
Fév. 2014 |
Endometrial Cancer After Endometrial Ablation vs Medical Management of Abdnormal Uterine Bleeding
Robert L. Dood, Clarisa R. Gracia, Mary D. Sammel, Kevin Haynes, Suneeta Senapati, Brian L. Strom |
Nov. 2013 |
Radiofrequency endometrial ablation in patients with a history of low transverse cesarean delivery.
Adkins RT, Bressman PL, Bressman PB, Lucas TL. |
Sep. 2013 |
Endometrial Ablation: Is Tubal Ligation a Risk Factor for Hysterectomy
Kreider SE, Starcher R, Hoppe J, Nelson K, Salas N. |
Juil. 2013 |
Ten-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial comparing bipolar endometrial ablation with balloon ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding.
Herman MC, Penninx JP, Mol BW, Bongers MY. |
Oct. 2012 |
Minimally Invasive Endometrial Ablation Device Complications and Use Outside of the Manufacturers' instructions
J. Brown, K. Blank |
Juil. 2012 |
Hysterectomy subsequent to endometrial ablation.
Shavell VI, Diamond MP, Senter JP, Kruger ML, Johns DA. |
Avr. 2012 |
Second generation endometrial ablation techniques for heavy menstrual bleeding: network meta-analysis
J.P. Daniels, L.J. Middleton, R. Champaneria, K.S. Khan, K. Cooper, B.W.J. Mol, S. Bhattacharya |
Déc. 2011 |
Five-year follow-up after comparing bipolar endometrial ablation with hydrothermablation for menorrhagia
Penninx JP, Herman MC, Mol BW, Bongers MY |
Nov. 2011 |
Efficacy and safety of global endometrial ablation after cesarean delivery: a cohort study.
Khan Z, El-Nashar SA, Hopkins MR, Famuyide AO. |
Nov. 2011 |
Bipolar Radiofrequency Compared With Thermal Balloon Endometrial Ablation in the Office
T. Justin Clark, Nadia Samuel, Sadia Malick, G, Lee J. Middleton, Jane Daniels, Janesh K. Gupta |
Sep. 2011 |
Improved premenstrual syndrome symptoms after NovaSure endometrial ablation.
Lukes AS, McBride RJ, Herring AH, Fried M, Sherwani A, Dell D. |
Août 2011 |
Global-local anaesthesia: combining paracervical block with intramyometrial prilocaine in the fundus significantly reduces patients' perception of pain during radio-frequency endometrial ablation (NovaSure) in an office setting
H. Skensved et al. |
Juil. 2011 |
Endometrial ablation with the NovaSure system in Iran
Asgari Z, Moini A, Samiee H, Tehranian A, Mozafar-Jalali S, Sabet S. |
Jan. 2011 |
Pathologic characteristics of hysterectomy specimens in women undergoing hysterectomy after global endometrial ablation.
Carey ET, El-Nashar SA, Hopkins MR, Creedon DJ, Cliby WA, Famuyide AO. |
Jan. 2011 |
Five-Year Follow Up of a Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing NovaSure® and ThermaChoice™ Endometrial Ablation
T. Justin Clark, Nadia Samuel, Sadia Malick, Lee J. Middleton, Jane Daniels, Janesh K. Gupta |
Oct. 2010 |
Bipolar radiofrequency endometrial ablation compared with hydrothermablation for dysfunctional uterine bleeding: a randomized controlled trial.
Penninx JP, Mol BW, Engels R, van Rumste MM, Kleijn C, Koks CA, Kruitwagen RF, Bongers MY. |
Avr. 2010 |
Health-related quality of life and patient satisfaction after global endometrial ablation for menorrhagia in women with bleeding disorders: a follow-up survey and systematic review.
El-Nashar SA, Hopkins MR, Barnes SA, Pruthi RK, Gebhart JB, Cliby WA, Famuyide AO. |
Nov. 2009 |
Feasibility of endometrial assessment after thermal ablation.
Ahonkallio SJ, Liakka AK, Martikainen HK, Santala MJ. |
Oct. 2009 |
Endometrial Ablation with Paracervical Block
Josien P. M. Penninx, Prof., M.D., Ben Willem Mol, M.D., Marlies Y. Bongers, M.D. |
Jan. 2009 |
Prediction of treatment outcomes after global endometrial ablation.
El-Nashar SA, Hopkins MR, Creedon DJ, St Sauver JL, Weaver AL, McGree ME, Cliby WA, Famuyide AO. |
Juin 2007 |
Global endometrial ablation for menorrhagia in women with bleeding disorders.
El-Nashar SA, Hopkins MR, Feitoza SS, Pruthi RK, Barnes SA, Gebhart JB, Cliby WA, Famuyide AO. |
Juin 2007 |
Radiofrequency global endometrial ablation followed by hysteroscopic sterilization
Matthew R. Hopkins, MD, Douglas J. Creedon, MD, PhD, Sherif A. El-Nashar, MBBCh, MSc, Douglas L. Brown, MD, Andrew E. Good, MD, Abimbola O. Famuyide, MBBS |
Juin 2007 |
An impedance-controlled system for endometrial ablations: five-year follow-up of 107 patients.
Gallinat A. |
Jan. 2007 |
NovaSure impedance controlled endometrial ablation: long-term follow-up results.
Fulop T, Rákóczi I, Barna I. |
Juin 2006 |
Use of the NovaSure Impedance Controlled Endometrial Ablation System in patients with intracavitary disease: 12-month follow-up results of a prospective, single-arm clinical study
Robert Sabbah, MD, and Gilles Desaulniers, MD |
Déc. 2005 |
Thermal Endometrial Ablation in Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding: An Economic Comparison of Bipolar Ablation and Balloon Ablation
Bongers M.Y., Bourdrez P., Heintz A.P., Steeg J.W., Brolmann H.A., Mol B.W. |
Juin 2005 |
A randomized trial among women with heavy menstruation -- impact of a decision aid on treatment outcomes and costs.
Vuorma S, Teperi J, Aalto AM, Huskainen R, Kuhansuu E, Rissanen P. |
Juin 2005 |
Long-term treatment of menorrhagia with levonorgestrel intrauterine system versus endometrial resection.
Rauramo I, Elo I, Istre O. |
Juin 2005 |
A randomised comparison of medical and hysteroscopic management in women consulting a gynaecologist for treatment of heavy menstrual loss.
Cooper KG, Parkin DE, Garratt AM, Grant AM. |
Mai 2005 |
NovaSure bipolar radiofrequency endometrial ablation: report of 200 cases.
Baskett TF, Clough H, Scott TA. |
Nov. 2004 |
NovaSure impedance controlled system for endometrial ablation: three-year follow-up on 107 patients.
Gallinat A |
Mai 2004 |
Clinical outcomes and costs with the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system or hysteroctomy for treatment of menorrhagia: randomized trial 5-year follow-up
Hurskainen R, Teperi J, Rissanen P, Aalto AM, Grenman S, Kivelä A, Kujansuu E, Vuorma S, Yliskoski M, Paavonen J. |
Avr. 2004 |
Summary of safety and effectiveness data from FDA: a valuable source of information on the performance of global endometrial ablation devices.
Cooper J, Gimpelson RJ. |
Juil. 2003 |
A double-blind randomized trial comparing the Cavaterm and the NovaSure endometrial ablation systems for the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
Abbott J, Hawe J, Hunter D, Garry R. |
Mai 2003 |
A Look at Intra- and Post-Operative Pain Assessment with ThermaChoice™ versus NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation Systems
Laberge, P., Sabbah, R., Fortin, C., Galliant, A. |
Jan. 2003 |
Endometrial ablation with NovaSure GEA, a pilot study.
Busund B, Erno LE, Grønmark A, Istre O. |
Nov. 2002 |
A randomized, multicenter trial of safety and efficacy of the NovaSure system in the treatment of menorrhagia.
Cooper J, Gimpelson R, Laberge P, Galen D, Garza-Leal JG, Scott J, Leyland N, Martyn P, Liu J. |